RAD Breathes New Life Into NYC Public Housing
In November 2018, [Hunt Real Estate Capital] closed on a project in the Mott Haven section of the Bronx called Betances, which is a portfolio of 39 buildings encompassing 1,088 units of public housing. The developers on the project were MDG Design + Construction and Wavecrest Management, both of which have a long history of commitment to affordable housing.
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NBC4 New York
Question Authority Episode 5: Looking Forward
[Visol] Smith [President of Ocean Bay’s tenants association] says the [RAD] conversion’s success is thanks to the management company, Wavecrest. “Management actually works with the resident council, you know, when we talk about certain things they actually listen. They say, ‘okay, let’s see what we can do about that,’” he said. “We had problems with NYCHA. Delays on painting, delays on repairs, stuff like that. Wavecrest turnaround is a lot faster.”
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A revamped Ocean Bay campus transitions away from the traditional NYCHA setup
At Ocean Bay, RDC Development secured $560 million in public and private money to repair apartments and fortify the community from future storms. Residents received new floors, bathrooms and kitchens in their apartments. Workers also revamped lobbies, security systems and exteriors.
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City’s Public Housing Heads Down Privatization Road
On Monday, renovations were completed at Ocean Bay Apartments in Far Rockaway, a New York City Housing Authority development that’s being operated by a private management company through a federal program called Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD).
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Brooklyn Paper
Pitcher Perfect: More Than 100 Kids From Public Housing Enjoy A Day of Baseball
“They were talking about how baseball, for lack of a better word, kept them out of trouble and urged the kids to work hard and be persistent,” said Susan Camerata, principal of the development company RDC Development — the organization that hosted the all-day event at Montrose Avenue.
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Solar Power World
Bright Power completes 575-kW solar array at NYC apartment complex
Ocean Bay Apartments is shining light on how to combine affordable housing preservation and climate change mitigation. The 24-building, 1,395-unit complex now boasts a 575-kW solar PV system, designed and installed by Bright Power. “RDC Development’s commitment to resiliency, sustainability and long-term affordability enables thousands of Ocean Bay residents to have safe, comfortable and affordable homes,” said Jeffrey Perlman, president and founder of Bright Power.
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